Current Issue

Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 8/23/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles


Nursing Management
​Internal Diseases Nursing​
​Internal Diseases Nursing​, ​Internal Diseases, Nurse Education
Midwifery, Obstetrics and Gynocology Nursing
Health Psychology, ​Internal Diseases, ​Internal Diseases Nursing​
Prof. Dr. Papatya KARAKURT Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi
Health Sciences, Health Sciences Education and Development of Programs: Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Fundamentals of Nursing, Nursing Management
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevil ŞAHİN Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Gynocology Nursing
Assoc. Prof. Sibel ŞENTÜRK Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Bucak Sağlık Yüksekokulu
Health Sciences
Obstetrics and Gynocology Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Public Health Nursing, Pediatric Health and Illnesses Nursing
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zehra ÇALIŞKAN Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi Semra ve Vefa Küçük Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi
Pediatric Health and Illnesses Nursing
Thoracic Surgery, Oncologic Surgery, Surgical Diseases Nursing​​, Nursing, Orthopaedics


Yobu Faculty of Health Sciences Journal is an open-access and peer-reviewed scientific e-journal aimed at sharing qualified studies in the field of health sciences.

YOBU Journal of Health Sciences Faculty is an open access, peer-reviewed scientific e-journal that started its publication life in October 2020 as a publication of the Faculty of Health Sciences.

YOBU Faculty of Health Sciences Journal publishes experimental and prospective / retrospective clinical studies, original research, review, case report and letter-to-editor articles prepared in accordance with ethical rules. The articles that will be accepted to the journal cover various science related fields such as clinical and basic medical sciences, dentistry, nursing, midwifery, nutrition, physiotherapy, health education and health management.

YOBU Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, whose publication language is Turkish or English, is an e-journal published three times a year based on the principles of independent and unbiased double referee (peer-review). The purpose of the journal is to be a qualified publication at the national / international level.


YOBU Journal of Health Sciences is an electronic journal. Original research articles, case reports, letters to the editor and review articles sent to the journal as electronic articles are accepted. You can send your articles prepared in accordance with the spelling rules stated below to for evaluation.

The articles should be prepared in accordance with the "Requirements for Articles Submitted to Biomedical Journals" announced by the International Medical Journal Editors Committee (

Forms to be used:

1. Sample Title Page

2. Copyright and Author Consent Form

General Rules to be Considered in Articles Submitted to the Journal for Publishing

Articles should be written on a computer, in Microsoft Word software, in Times New Roman font, 12 pt and 2 line spacing.

The entire article should be justified, title and paragraph entries should be left justified.

A period must be used when separating decimal numbers.

No spaces should be left between the percent (%) sign and numbers. Percent sign should be written before the number in Turkish articles and after the number in English articles.

Abbreviations should not be used in the title or summary section. Abbreviations should be made where the relevant words are first used in the text.

Page numbers should be added to all pages and the page number should be placed on the bottom right of the page.

The title of the articles should be written in 12 pt, capital letters and bold characters.

All section titles should be written in 12-point, bold and normal font, and only the first letters of the subtitles should be capital.

Articles are double-blinded. For this reason, the articles are written in 4 separate files: a) Title page, b) Blinded article (name, address and other information about the authors are not written), c) Ethics Committee Approval Document (for necessary studies) and d) Publication Rights Transfer Form must be installed on the system. File names should be created as "Title Page", "Blinded Article" and "Ethics Committee Approval Document", "Publication Rights Transfer Form".

Writing Sections

Title Page

English and Turkish titles of the article should be specified on the title page.

The title of the article should be short, abstract and relevant to the main text.

On the title page, the "short title" words that introduce the article to the reader should be given in capital letters.

Names and surnames, academic titles, ORCID numbers, e-mail addresses and institutions of all authors should be specified in the order in the article. Corresponding author's name and surname, academic title, institution, e-mail address, fixed and mobile phone must be written.

Information should be written left justified, with double space between the title, author names and institutions.

Funding information supporting the study, authors' contribution to the study and acknowledgment letter should be included on the title page.

It should be stated whether there is a conflict of interest between the authors.

Turkish and English Abstract Pages

The abstract should be written in Turkish and English and should not exceed 300 words. It should be in Times New Roman font with 1 line spacing and 9 points in size. In the summary part of original studies; introduction, purpose, method, findings, result and keywords should be included. Summary in case reports; It should include introduction, case report and discussion subtitles. For the review, Turkish and English abstracts containing 200-250 words, without any sections, should be prepared.


Key words should be specified in Turkish and English abstracts, preferably 3-5 keywords should be used. Turkish keywords in the summary Turkey Science Terms (TBT) in accordance with what ( I) should be given. Key words in the English abstract should be specified in accordance with "Medical Subject Headings (MESH)" (

Main Text

The research article should be formatted in accordance with the standard scientific format (Abstract, Introduction, Method, Findings, Discussion, Limitations, Conclusion and Suggestions).

In the introduction part, the explanation of the problem addressed by the article and the reasons for the necessity of the research should be included. At the end of the introduction, the purpose, objectives or hypotheses of the study should be clearly stated.

The method section should be detailed, explaining the methods and protocols used, allowing the reader to have a clear idea of ​​how the study was conducted. It should be stated that the type of study, population and sample (sampling method), data collection (data collection tools, data collection method, applications, if any), evaluation of the data and ethics committee approval date-approval code and informed consent from the participants.

Findings in this section, the results of the study should be presented with graphics and tables without comments, and the statistical methods used should be specified. Each table and data should be presented in an orderly order, without using references and citations.

Discussion is the section where the findings are interpreted. This section should be linked to the results of similar studies by linking with the literature, the results should be interpreted comprehensively and the information obtained should be synthesized.

In the limitations section; Money, time, transportation, difficulties encountered in collecting or reporting data should be stated.

Conclusions and recommendations should be brief and contain the most important findings described in the article. In line with the results, suggestions for further research should be included.

It should be stated in the Conflict of Interest section that there is no conflict of interest between the authors.

If there is a thank you, it should be stated in this section.

References should be written in accordance with the journal's writing rules.

Article Type

The type of articles is based on PubMed central definitions. For more information, please see:

Original research

It includes prospective or retrospective, experimental and clinical studies in health sciences. The article should contain a maximum of 5000 words, excluding abstract and references, and 5-6 figures or tables should be included.


Prepared directly or by invited author / s in the field of health sciences. Authors who have publications on the subject are preferred for the invitation. The text should contain summary, introduction, subject-specific titles, conclusion and references. Systematic reviews should be in accordance with the PRISMA checklist. Review articles; It should not exceed 5000 words and 4 tables, excluding tables, figures and references, and contain a maximum of 60 references.

Letter to the Editor

YOBU Faculty of Health Sciences should include discussion, observation, opinion, correction and comments on journal issues. The maximum length should be 500 words and a maximum of 5 references should be used. If responding to a particular article, the letter should be sent within 6 weeks of the article's publication.

Case Report

Case reports should consist of summary, introduction, case report, discussion and conclusion sections, and should contain a maximum of 2 tables or figures and 20 references.


Table number and title should be written above the table. A table should be given in the order specified in the text, the table title should be clear and informative enough. When referring to a table in the text, it should be written in parentheses (Example: Table 3). All abbreviations in the table should be explained below the table.

With Shapes and Graphics

Each shape sent must have a minimum resolution of 300DPI. Figure and graphic explanations should be given in informative and detailed. Figure number and title should be written below the figure. While referring to a figure in the text of the article, the number of the figure should be given in parentheses (For example: "Figure 3"). If the figure is quoted from anywhere, the source should be indicated.


References should be written in Vancouver style.

The following rules should be observed in the source writing.

Citing references in the text

References in the text should be numbered according to the order of use and the references should be presented in this order. The reference number should be given in the relevant place in parentheses. If more than one resource is used, a comma should be used between the resources. If there are three or more consecutive references, it should be shown by putting "-" between the starting number and the last digit (Example: 1,2,3,4, instead of 1-4). Where the name of the author is used in the text, the reference number should be given in parentheses after the author's surname (Example: Aydın (18)). If there is more than one author, the first author's surname et al. (Example: Aydın et al. (18)…).

Citing at the end of the text

At the end of the text, references should be written on a separate page with double spacing. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus / Medline / PubMed list. Journal names can be accessed at If the name of the journal is not included in this list, it must be written in full. DOI numbers, if any, must be added.

The following examples can be examined for reference and writing at the end of the text;


- In articles up to six authors, the names of all authors should be written, if 7 or more authors are followed by the 6th author, "et al." In Turkish sources, "et al." In foreign sources. should be shortened as.

Articles with six or fewer authors

Akcan E, Polat S. Comparative effect of the smells of amniotic fluid, breast milk, and lavender on newborns' pain during heel lance. Breastfeeding Medicine 2016; 11 (6): 309-314.

Articles by seven or more authors

Nouri K, Huber D, Walch K, Promberger R, Buerkle B, Ott J et al. Fertility awareness among medical and non-medical students: a case-control study. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2014; 12 (1): 94.

Articles where the author is an institution

Turkish Nurses Association. Future strategies for nursing. Clinical Forum 1992; 105: 23-5.

Electronic Journals

Fenton TR, Kim JH. A systematic review and meta-analysis to revise the Fenton growth chart for preterm infants. BMC Pediatr. 2013; 13 (59): 1-13.


Andreasen NC. Brave new brain: conquering mental illness in the era of the genome. Oxford (GB): Oxford University Press; 2001.

Book chapter

Küçükoğlu S, Aras Doğan Ş. Importance of child health. In: Balcı Akpınar R, Küçükoğlu S, editor. Child Health and First Aid. 1st Edition. Ankara, Nobel Publications, 2019: 3-18.

Congress / Symposium papers

Çimke S, Yıldırım D, Polat S. Violation of children's rights in social media: Sharenting. 1. International Health Science and Life Congress; 2 to 5 May 2018, Burdur, Turkey.


Çimke S, The effect of hand massage on pain, emotional symptoms and physiological parameters after abdominal surgery in children. Erciyes University Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Child Health and Disease Nursing Doctorate Thesis. 2019

Author Checklist

Before sending your manuscript to the journal, make sure that it covers the following basic elements.

Control List

The title page was prepared in 2 different ways, one containing the authors' credentials, the other one not,

Articles uploaded to the journal should be scanned in the plagiarism program.
Plagiarism must be below 20%, excluding references.

The summary has been prepared as a maximum of 300 words including keywords,

The article contains up to 5 Keywords for indexing,

The article is in 2 lines and 12 point Times New Roman font,

Copyright release obtained for all copyrighted material.


The information, ideas and opinions expressed in the articles published in the journal reflect the knowledge and opinions of the author (s). The editor, the editorial board and the publishing board do not accept any responsibility or liability for the information and opinions of the authors. The articles submitted to the journal should not have been published anywhere before. Since it has not been stated or determined to be published elsewhere, the legal consequences regarding copyrights related to the published articles belong to the author (s). The Editor, the Editorial Board and the Scientific Advisory Board have the authority to make corrections in the writings during the evaluation, control and typesetting phase, to request a change in the format and to shorten it by informing the authors. An invitation letter can be asked for special volumes / issues determined by the relevant boards of the journal.

YOBU Faculty of Health Sciences Journal expects authors to follow research and publication ethics. In human research, it should be stated that the enlightened consents of the participants in the "Materials and Methods" section are not purchased.
All studies should be carried out in accordance with the World Medical Association Helsinki Declaration. When asked about legislation and other relevant regulations, the authors must declare that they comply with the latest internationally recognized guidelines and submit "Approval of the Ethics Committee."
Articles that report the results of experimental studies on animals should report that the study protocol is approved by the institution's animal ethics committee and that the study is conducted in accordance with internationally recognized rules, including the European Universal Declaration of Animal Rights. The authors are kindly requested to submit a record of the approval of the ethics committee with the article. In addition, articles about human and animal studies should define procedures that show steps taken to relieve pain and suffering.


The articles submitted to the journal are taken into preliminary evaluation by the Editor / Editorial Board’s consideration in terms of form, writing language, and scientific method. Articles that do not have the qualifications required to be published in the journal and are not prepared in accordance with journal writing rules are returned to the author. The articles evaluated are sent to two referees by the Editor / Editorial Board. In the evaluation process, the identities of the referees and authors are kept confidential. The referees can be selected from the referee pool or among the members of the Scientific Advisory Board. The articles that are decided to be accepted or corrected by both referees to be published are sent to the author for correction along with the referee's reports in line with the suggestions of the editors. In articles where one of the referees concludes “can be published” and the other “cannot be published”, the editor / editor board can make the decision or the opinion of a third referee is asked.

The Editor, the Editorial Board and the Scientific Advisory Board have the authority to make corrections in the writings during the evaluation, control and typesetting phase, to request a change in the format and to shorten it by informing the authors. An invitation letter can be asked for special volumes / issues determined by the relevant boards of the journal. The period given for the changes and corrections requested from the authors is 3 weeks. The related articles are not included in the broadcast program until the corrections are made. No changes can be made to the articles sent back for corrections, except for the requests of the referees and the editor. The corrected article is reviewed by the referees who request changes when necessary. In the specified period, the editor has the right to reject the publication if the desired corrections are not made. There is no charge for the publication of the scientific studies sent to the journal. All copyrights of the works submitted to the journal for publication belong to YOBU Faculty of Health Sciences Journal. All issues of the journal can be accessed free of charge on the website  

There is no charge for the publication of the scientific studies sent to the journal. All copyrights of the works submitted to the journal for publication belong to YOBU Faculty of Health Sciences Journal. All issues of the journal can be accessed free of charge.